
5哥白尼, 波兰天文学家,他提出地球及其它行星绕太阳运动的日心说,推翻了托勒密的天文学理论即地心体系。挑战权威,即使非主流思想也可能成为主流一个人的价值由后人评价
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Wars brought by advances in tecnology; the devastating consequences followed by the conquer of many countries at once; and poor guidance over the general opinion of the public can all lead to sharpened ethic conflicts.

Law used to protect the slave owners; therefore, when one abolishes those unfair laws and protects the rights of the citizens, one is also violating the interests of the slave owners.

Obeying the patterns taught by history and solving practical problems; having foresight during times of danger and stress; whether or not he obeys the public and whether or not he keeps information from the public are all important characteristics of a leader.

Aristotle argues for the benefits of on-sight observation and logic in his philosophy; on the basis of three-parted arguements, his teachings consist of the logical study of the relationship between generalist and specialist. Men describe the world based on the most basic of observations and imperfect physics theories are still believed.

5哥白尼, 波兰天文学家,他提出地球及其它行星绕太阳运动的日心说,推翻了托勒密的天文学理论即地心体系。挑战权威,即使非主流思想也可能成为主流一个人的价值由后人评价
Copernius (Polish astronomer), has come up with the Heliocentric theory of the Earth and the other planets revolving around the sun; this overturned Ptolemy's astronomical theories, namely the geocentric theories. Defying the authority makes even the non-mainstream philosophys accepted into the general society, this is also an aspect later generations look into when they evaluate a man.

Logic and challenge to the authorities have been laying sound foundation for the later generations, teaching them to value the combined results of experimentation and logical resaoning.

Quantum physics is a classic combined way of describing the world (when the light is described as both a wave and a particle); it is the innovation on a classic theory.
第1个回答  2011-01-04

1 The technological progress bringings wars, the bad consequences brought by the unequal treaties imposed by the war victorious nations of the World War I ;no very good guidance to people's thought,nor very good guidance, all these result in sharpened ethnic contradictions
2 Before,the law protects the slave owners - breaking the unfair laws, obeying the people's will however violated the interests of the slave owners
3 Obeying history and solving practical problems, foresight in the crisis, whether obey the masses or hide information from the mass.
4 Aristotle in its philosophical system, theory obeys field observation and logic, and syllogistic logic is the basis,it's basically a theory method of rational research. with the coalesceed relationship between specialist and generalists.Human described the worldthrough the initial shallow observation, imperfect physical theory were still believed.
5 Polish astronomer, he put forward the earth and other planets revolve around the sun movement,the heliocentric theory, overthrowing the ptolemaic astronomic theory ,the geocentric system. He Challenged authority, even the non-mainstream thoughts may also become a mainstream.The value of a person should be evaluated by his posterity.
6 The logical thinking, challenge to authority,paving way for later generations,emphasizing on the the combination of experiment and imaginative reasoning
7 Quantum mechanics is the combination of classical description methods for the world (wave and particles) .( innovation upon the classical theories)



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